Prices and graphs of cryptocurrencies today
Check out Bitso's portfolio and the prices for all cryptocurrencies listed in our platorms.
Aave Token
AAVE$ 166.17 USD
↑ 3.38%Algorand
ALGO$ 0.19596000 USD
↑ 0.36%ApeCoin
APE$ 0.51290000 USD
↑ 0.29%Arbitrum
ARB$ 0.34898000 USD
↑ 1.09%ATOM
ATOM16% annual 🔥$ 3.9920 USD
↑ 3.45%Avalanche
AVAX$ 18.7660 USD
↑ 1.38%Axie Infinity Shard
AXS$ 3.1960 USD
↑ 1.17%Balancer
BAL$ 1.4012 USD
↑ 2.76%BAT
BAT$ 0.14560000 USD
↑ 1.29%Bitcoin
BTC$ 82,052 USD
↑ 1.79%Bitcoin Cash
BCH$ 327.04 USD
↑ 4.78%BONK
BONK$ 0.00001072 USD
↑ 0.75%
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Feeling lost? Learn the basics.
How do the crypto prices change?
Crypto prices go up and down constantly. This price change is common, it is the volatility. It happens because there isn't a single entity controlling prices, cryptoassets are decentralized. So, many factors can influence the prices: changes in the market, global news, supply and demand, among others. That is why it is so important to follow the market and understand how it works before buying crypto.
Which cryptocurrency should I buy?
The first step is what you are doing now: getting information. There are volatile cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin and ether, and their prices vary a lot. Whereas with stablecoins, like TUSD and Dai, the prices are more stable and follow a dollar index. Check out prices, graphs, news, understand which crypto suits your needs. This is a risky market, profit is not guaranteed. Start with an amount that fits your budget - buy crypto based on information and being responsible.
What are the working hours to buy crypto?
Unlike the traditional financial market, the cryptocurrencies market never closes. This means you can buy and sell crypto 24/7, any day of the week. At the same time, crypto prices also keep changing, going up and down, day and night. That is why, your fiat balance can vary overnight. Bitso follows the crypto market and is always available for you to buy crypto.
How to buy crypto?
Now that you've seen the crypto prices, understood how to follow the market and know a bit more, the first step to buy crypto safely is to register at Bitso. You can do this through the website ot the app (there are version for Android and iOS). After registering, you can deposit your local currency - starting from 100 pesos in Mexico -, and then, click "convert" to buy any cryptocurrency you want. If you have questions, please reach out via Help Center.