Receive real-time payments in Latam without a local entity
Reduce pay-in costs and decrease the time of moving funds.

We're connected to SPEI.
Via Pix.
Via CBU/CVU or Alias.
Via PSE.
Receive payments in local currencies.

Roney Carlos Mensch
"Bitso Business has revolutionized the way we manage our financial transactions, offering agile and secure solutions that keep pace with our growth".
All the transactions are made in real-time.
How it works

Leverage our connection to SPEI in Mexico
Create multiple CLABEs linked to your account to instantly identify the deposits made by your users and create appropriate payment flows for them.
Receive payments in Brazil via Pix and move the funds to anywhere in the word
Built for scale to operate millions of Pix payments.
Screening the users to guarantee funds integrity.
Real-time payments with all Brazilian banks and payment institutions.
Pix with identifier to streamline reconciliation processes.
Let’s get in touch
Fill in the form with your personal and business information. We'll reach out to you as soon as possible.