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You can use Earnings within the Bitso app, available for Android and IOS.
Don't let your Digital dollars sit idle in your wallet.
You can use Earnings within the Bitso app, available for Android and IOS.
Above your list of coins, you’ll find a section inviting you to activate Earnings.
Just accept or Terms of Service and the Risk Disclosure and that's it.
The Digital dollar is a stablecoin pegged 1:1 to the US dollar. Digital dollars can be used like money, being accepted by as many vendors, wallets, exchanges, dApps, and service providers as US dollars.
No. You can’t hold US dollars in the blockchain, and you can’t hold Digital dollars in your bank. Nonetheless, the price parity is kept at a 1:1 ratio because USDC issuers hold reserves in cash or cash equivalents that are either attested or audited regularly.
You can instantly convert any currency or crypto you have in your Bitso wallet to Digital dollars. Alternatively, you can deposit USDC through the Ethereum network. Once you hold Digital dollars in your Bitso wallet, you just need to activate Earnings to start getting yields. To understand how Digital dollars work in Bitso, visit our Help Center. Help Center.
How much you earn depends on how much you have. Your Digital Dollars balance will generate yields at a 4% annualized rate. These rates will be financially supported by Bitso. To understand better how Earnings works, visit our Help Center.
Yields are subject to market conditions and may be reduced or increased. The rates will always be updated in the app, and we'll notify you in case we change them.
Even though the yield providers that Bitso partnered with have strong security standards, they don’t offer insurance against the loss or theft of funds. To understand the risks associated with using Earnings, read our Risk Disclosure.